Online customer experience

Online mystery: online mystery shopper

Do you get negative reviews of your online business? Our online mystery service will allow you to understand the user experience when completing a transaction in your website.

Our secret shoppers will check the purchase experience or query resolution online. They will complete your website contact forms and they will send emails to complete any request, make a complaint or ask a query. The assessment is usually based on your business response capacity based on time and type of response. We can also complete online purchases and assess the delivery time, the return procedure, packaging, protection, etc.

The speed of responding, appropriate selling manners and the overall customer experience in that first contact are really important to get the customer to trust your business and it will have a direct effect on your business revenue.

There is never a second chance to make a good first impression. Improve your online customer service today!

Benefits to your business

How it works

Practical implementation in your company

Our online mystery service will make you understand the final customer experience when completing an online purchase, booking or return. You will find out the customer attention offered to your customers by email, chat, answer to queries, etc. The control of such features will have a direct effect on your business reputation and the final benefits of your company.

The efficiency in customer attention and management of online transactions is a turning point and a differential value to increase your business profit.

It allows you to understand the following points:

  • Quality and time of response
  • Polite and helpful attention
  • Contact email operation
  • Automatic response emails operation
  • Satisfactory resolution of any request
  • Delivery time for the requested product
  • Presentation and packaging


Our mystery shoppers, pretending to be regular customers, will check the final customer experience for online enquiries. We will assess the contact forms available online and the chat. The aim is to define the online customer service quality offered by your business, to identify any failure and to bring the necessary data to solve the problems.

Our shoppers will check your website and they will send a request based on the type of industry and activity. For instance, they will request an appointment in a clinic, book a table in a restaurant, ask a query about your products, request a driving test at a dealership, ask for a catalogue or even complete an online purchase.

Then you will have exclusive and confidential access to the results through our intranet. You will learn all the assessment results in a comprehensive, customised manner and organised by your preferred criteria (batch, area, shops, etc.). A thorough analysis of the customer experience that our shoppers had in a clear way, with statistics, comments and graphs.