Mystery in other sectors

 At El Cliente Indiscreto, we offer our on-site, online or phone mystery shopping service regardless of the nature of your business. Our services will adapt to your needs and we will achieve customized results.

Since 1999 we have assessed hairdressers, gyms, estate agents, gaming rooms, children’s playrooms, discos, pet shops, finance companies, health food shops…

Through our assessment, we are committed to getting your working team to remain highly motivated and involved in the company regardless of its activity. As a result, they will be able to offer an optimal customer service which can be converted into an increase in turnover and sales.

Contact El Cliente Indiscreto and find out what Mystery Shopping con do for you. Contact us now!


its management?






and their management






and their management


  • Are your customers served as they deserve?
  • Do your staff try to advise customers based on their needs and using convincing arguments?
  • Does your sales team follow the selling process established within the business?
  • Do they display initiative to inform about the property characteristics?
  • Do they know the area where the flat/house is located, and the property’s orientation?
  • Are your staff punctual in appointments with customers?
  • Is the selling process monitored?
  • Are you concerned about your employee’s loyalty?
  • Do you know your competitors?
  • How many seconds do you have to wait for the Interactive Voice Responder to answer your call?
  • How many stages do you have to go through at the IVR until the advisor replies?
  • Is there a “Return On No Answer”? (This means that an advisor takes the call and immediately puts the call on hold again)
  • Does the advisor ask about the customer needs? And whether he is willing to assume potential risks?
  • Do they recommend you any investment strategy or any specific product?
  • How is the customer experience regarding the advising by the company?
  • Do they offer special advantages or some discount on the standard conditions?
  • Do they follow the advising process established by the company?
  • Does the advisor invite the customer to sign an agreement or contract?
  • Does the advisor offer you some special attractive conditions?
  • Are phone calls correctly managed? Do they answer the phone and note down the appointments in a timely and adequate manner?
  • Do staff offer appropriate explanations about the product based on the customer needs?
  • Do the sales team follow the rules set for selling?
  • Is cross-sale and up-sale done?
  • Do they take initiative to show models or offer alternatives?
  • Do they offer financing possibilities to customers?
  • Do they follow-up sales?
  • Are all the product labels in good condition?
  • Is the display area clean and tidy?
  • Do they explain about the different type of materials?, and about the price difference between models?
  • Does the customer get a catalogue, leaflet, etc.?
  • During the explanation, was the employee convincing and confident about what he was saying?
  • Is the air and water supply in service and working correctly?
  • Is the floor and pavement around the fuel pumps clean? And what about the washing and vacuuming area?
  • Are there gloves available for customer to refuel?
  • Is there adequate lighting in the area?
  • Is the access and exit clearly marked?
  • Is the refuelling area free of obstacles?
  • Are there any staff to refill the tank for the customers?
  • Do staff wear any identification badge? Do staff have a correct and groomed appearance?
  • Do they offer to refill the tank for you? Do they offer a superior product than the one requested?
  • Do staff work diligently, minimizing the waiting time for customers?
  • Is the shop clean? Are products correctly displayed and priced?
  • Do they offer the petrol station loyalty card?
  • Do they ask for your ID to check your identity when paying by credit card?
  • Are toilets clean and well maintained?
  • Is the coffee shop in good condition? Are tables and counter tidy?


  • Does the process of taking appointments work correctly in a timely and adequate manner?
  • Do they offer timely customer service at the appointment?
  • Do staff wear the right uniform and comply with basic hygiene premises?
  • Do staff respect your privacy?
  • Is the interior of the outlet clean and tidy?
  • Are brushes clean and without hair from other clients?
  • Is the cut hair brushed away immediately after finishing to cut or much later, when the customer is leaving the hairdresser’s?
  • Do they recommend any treatments, and do they offer explanations based on your type of hair and skin?
  • Do they selfless offer complementary products?
  • Are products correctly displayed?
  • Are staff willing to help customers?
  • Do staff talk to the customer, to make him feel more comfortable, about hair care topics?
  • Do they mention other services offered in the outlet?
  • Are staff always polite and professional?


  • Are there several travel offers and promotions at the window shop?
  • Are catalogues correctly displayed?
  • Are there catalogues available to be seen while a customer waits to be served?
  • Are agents’ desks clean and tidy?
  • Do they offer different trips based on customer’s needs?
  • Do they talk about different prices of the trips offered by them?
  • Do they demonstrate knowledge, and do they offer complete explanations about their trips?
  • Once the customer proves to be interested in a specific trip, do they offer a quotation based on the exact dates for travelling?
  • Do they talk about the different payment’s methods available?
  • Do they note down the personal data, including telephone and email of customers?
  • Do they give catalogues to view them at home?
  • Do they follow the established selling process?


  • What is the appearance of the cashier? Is it clean, well-lit and are the components in good condition (sign, entrance, fade, door, etc.)
  • Are promotion and price signs easy to read and in good condition?
  • Are shopping trolleys organised?
  • Are there items unplaced (boxes, empty pallets, items) and hindering the way?
  • Are warehouse doors closed to customers’ views?
  • Are there papers, packages, carton boxes, etc, around the supermarket?
  • Are staff well-groomed and dressed in the right and clean uniform?, do they wear some identification?
  • Is it easy to identify the manager from the rest of the staff?
  • Do staff ask if he can help when walking past a customer in the corridor?
  • Can they clearly explain the customer where to find a specific product he is looking for in the shop?
  • Do they walk with the customer to the supermarket shelf and help him find the requested product?
  • Are signs, leaflets and other point of sale material highly visible and well located inside the shop?
  • Are retail price labels easy to read and in good condition?
  • Do headers contain enough products and are they well organised?
  • Are shelves well organised and are there no gaps or stock shortage?
  • Do they give the ticket and tell the change aloud?
  • Do they offer help to deliver the shopping?


  • Are products correctly displayed (they should not be badly stacked nor dropped)?
  • Is the counter / cashier area correctly clean and tidy?
  • Do staff wear identification with their name on sight?
  • Are they willing to find out the customer needs?
  • Do they offer satisfactory explanations about the products?
  • Do they advise or recommend some option?
  • Do they offer any additional product?
  • Do they ask for the prescriptions before collecting the money?