Customer service at the point of sale

Mystery shopper: mystery shopping

A mystery shopper will visit your point of sale and will interact with your staff as a regular customer. He will assess the customer service offered such as the smile and attention of the staff. Other relevant points will also be evaluated such as up sale and cross sale, staff involvement, product explanations, provision of alternatives, listening to customers, etc. and the shopper will also check if the customer service offered complies to the standards set up by the brand. Furthermore, the cleanliness and tidiness of the point of sale, external image and window image will also be evaluated.

You can decide if you want the shopper to buy your products or not. If a purchase is requested, we will also assess the payment process at the cash register and the possibility of return.

After leaving your point of sale, the mystery shopper will fill out a form about the customer experience based on the criteria defined by you.

The on-site mystery shopping service is a branch of the mystery shopping that every company should consider obtaining frequent information about what is going on at its points of sale. There are many reasons to hire a mystery shopping service, but it should be especially considered if there is a drop in sales as it could give crucial information to implement solutions.

Improving the customer experience, increasing customer loyalty and expansion of sales can be easily achieved. Trust the on-site mystery shopping programme of El Cliente Indiscreto and you will see the outcome. Get in touch with us now!

Benefits to your business

How it works

Practical implementation in your company

Sales revenue is closely linked to customer service and attention. The on-site mystery shopping will assess and redefine your staff customer service to the final customer, helping to identify possible weaknesses and to restructure the sales strategy at points of sale.

It allows you to understand the following points:

  • Staff uniformity and identification
  • Punctuality
  • Customer friendliness and smiling attitude
  • Cross sale
  • Cleanliness and order
  • Professionalism in selling arguments
  • Compliance with brand policies
  • Follow up of sales


The on-site mystery shopping is an assessment method consisting of a mystery shopper visiting a point of sale as a regular customer. This shopper will analyse, observe and assess the point of sale, to check that they comply with the customer service and selling procedures.

After leaving the selling point, the shopper will complete a thorough questionnaire about his experience as a customer, answering to the questions previously compiled with the customer. This complete analysis will allow to improve the customer experience in every point of sale.

Our mystery shoppers, pretending to be regular customers, will anonymously assess customer service at the point of sale. After analysing what has happened, they will evaluate the result and they will identify any failure. The selling experience will be improved through this process. The aim is to solve any weakness and consequently to improve the selling experience.

This service is really interesting for chains of shops, franchises and dealerships. The success of these retail points is based on the compliance of the same selling processes and offering a unified brand image in every point of sale.

You will then have exclusive and confidential access to the results through our intranet. You will learn all the assessment results in a comprehensive, customised manner and organised by your preferred criteria (batch, area, shops, etc.). A thorough analysis of the customer experience that our shoppers had in clear way, with statistics, comments and graphs.