• Sale and post-sale mystery shopping
  • Mystery calling, online and on-site for brands and dealerships
  • Are your dealership leads handled correctly?

Automotive sector mystery shopping

Do you have a dealership or garage, and would you like to find out about your customer experience? Would you like to know if your points of sale comply to your brand standards? El Cliente Indiscreto will help you.

With Mystery Shopping we can check how strictly your brand processes are followed and we can find out the real and potential customer experience. Moreover, we can do a benchmarking report to get to know your competitors, being same brand dealerships or other brand dealerships.

We will assess points such as the selling arguments for each car, clarity of explanations, customer needs identification, leads handling, driving test offer and implementation, financing, insurance, car display, etc.

We offer a comprehensive service for you to improve your business. Contact us now!

Atención en el Taller.

Atención en el Taller.


Right arguments


by the garage head


correct handling


and compliance


competitors’ analysis




and follow-up


of the dealership cars


right for each vehicle

Finance and insurance



of the sales advisors



La recepción de la moto en el taller así como su entrega se realiza de forma conveniente y siguiendo los estándares de la marca?

After the vehicle inspection, it is essential for the mechanic to offer the right explanations about the overhaul, repair, etc.

In many cases, we also implemented small failures in the vehicles to check if the mechanic could detect it and effectively revised all the points established by the brand.

When visiting our dealership repair garage with an appointment, it is important that the process is quick, and the customer does not have to wait too long. At the same time, the customer expects his car to be treated well and to be well protected. On the other hand, mobility services, entertainment lounges, press, TV, complimentary coffee, etc. are essential during the waiting time. A post-sale mystery shopping programme will give answer to these questions and many more.

A timely and correct handling of every lead received in the dealership, either from the website, the dealership or from other platforms, is essential to complete the sale.

On the other hand, the response capacity to a phone customer request will also be critical.

As Oscar Wilde mentions: “There is never a second chance to make a good first impression”.

Every brand has its own standards and many of them are part of its identity. With a Mystery Shopping programme, it will be possible to check the level of compliance to such rules and to know the experience of real and potential customers who visit a certain dealership. For instance, how to take an appointment for the repair garage, the vehicle reception on-site or the selling arguments, the timely and correct handling of leads, etc.


It is essential to know your closest competitors, even when they offer other brand models. You might want to know their strengths and weaknesses in the sale and post-sale process. In this way, you will have information about the most competitive models’ commercial terms, their sales arguments, the Sellers quality, financing terms, the appraised value as a second-hand car, etc.


When there are other dealerships of the same brand in the area, you might be interested in us visiting them to identify their strengths, understand their commercial policy and other working details such as financing offer, insurance, driving test, second hand car negotiation, etc.

Brands and dealerships set up a sale protocol, which might be different for each model. We will measure the level of compliance to such protocol. For instance, do they find out about customer needs to identify the most appropriate type of engine, version or fitting for a customer? How is the car presented to the customer? Are the right selling arguments used when selling a hybrid model from an energy saving and economic saving point of view?, etc.

It is important to find out if your cars are correctly set up, leaving enough space around each of them so that the static presentation can be done correctly. On the other hand, it must also be checked if there are platforms or podiums to highlight those models selected by the brand at some point.

Not every car is to be sold in the same manner. Do sales staff really know every model in detail and do they provide the appropriate explanations based on the customer needs? In this regard, electric and hybrid cars must be mentioned as their sales will be successfully completed depending on the right selling arguments being used by the staff.

Nowadays dealerships offer customers different financing solutions. The dealership and the brand must know exactly what they are offering, it must be handled in the right format and with the right explanations depending on the customer’s needs and circumstances.

If you are concerned about having the right sales team and whether they have the necessary knowledge and commercial skills, our mystery shopping programme will help you get the relevant information to organise a sales staff training programme.

Dealerships invest a lot of money towards having a wide range of display cars to be tested by the customer. However, sometimes the driving test is not done because it is not offered to the customer or because the staff does not offer an appointment to the customer. A mystery shopping programme will help you find out all this information regarding the driving test in your dealership.

Cita Taller.

Cita Taller.





















La recepción de la moto en el taller así como su entrega se realiza de forma conveniente y siguiendo los estándares de la marca?

After the vehicle inspection, it is essential for the mechanic to offer the right explanations about the overhaul, repair, etc.

In many cases, we also implemented small failures in the vehicles to check if the mechanic could detect it and effectively revised all the points established by the brand.

When visiting our dealership repair garage with an appointment, it is important that the process is quick, and the customer does not have to wait too long. At the same time, the customer expects his car to be treated well and to be well protected. On the other hand, mobility services, entertainment lounges, press, TV, complimentary coffee, etc. are essential during the waiting time. A post-sale mystery shopping programme will give answer to these questions and many more.

A timely and correct handling of every lead received in the dealership, either from the website, the dealership or from other platforms, is essential to complete the sale.

On the other hand, the response capacity to a phone customer request will also be critical.

As Oscar Wilde mentions: “There is never a second chance to make a good first impression”.

Every brand has its own standards and many of them are part of its identity. With a Mystery Shopping programme, it will be possible to check the level of compliance to such rules and to know the experience of real and potential customers who visit a certain dealership. For instance, how to take an appointment for the repair garage, the vehicle reception on-site or the selling arguments, the timely and correct handling of leads, etc.


It is essential to know your closest competitors, even when they offer other brand models. You might want to know their strengths and weaknesses in the sale and post-sale process. In this way, you will have information about the most competitive models’ commercial terms, their sales arguments, the Sellers quality, financing terms, the appraised value as a second-hand car, etc.


When there are other dealerships of the same brand in the area, you might be interested in us visiting them to identify their strengths, understand their commercial policy and other working details such as financing offer, insurance, driving test, second hand car negotiation, etc.

Brands and dealerships set up a sale protocol, which might be different for each model. We will measure the level of compliance to such protocol. For instance, do they find out about customer needs to identify the most appropriate type of engine, version or fitting for a customer? How is the car presented to the customer? Are the right selling arguments used when selling a hybrid model from an energy saving and economic saving point of view?, etc.

It is important to find out if your cars are correctly set up, leaving enough space around each of them so that the static presentation can be done correctly. On the other hand, it must also be checked if there are platforms or podiums to highlight those models selected by the brand at some point.

Not every car is to be sold in the same manner. Do sales staff really know every model in detail and do they provide the appropriate explanations based on the customer needs? In this regard, electric and hybrid cars must be mentioned as their sales will be successfully completed depending on the right selling arguments being used by the staff.

Nowadays dealerships offer customers different financing solutions. The dealership and the brand must know exactly what they are offering, it must be handled in the right format and with the right explanations depending on the customer’s needs and circumstances.

If you are concerned about having the right sales team and whether they have the necessary knowledge and commercial skills, our mystery shopping programme will help you get the relevant information to organise a sales staff training programme.

Dealerships invest a lot of money towards having a wide range of display cars to be tested by the customer. However, sometimes the driving test is not done because it is not offered to the customer or because the staff does not offer an appointment to the customer. A mystery shopping programme will help you find out all this information regarding the driving test in your dealership.

Cuando contactan con su taller para tomar cita, ¿hay una respuesta adecuada en el tiempo y en la forma? ¿Toman sus datos? ¿Hay cita disponible en breve? ¿le informan del coste aproximado con anterioridad? ¿Ofrecen transporte alternativo?, etc. 

Puede resultar interesante visitar otras concesiones de su marca para conocer las fortalezas, la política y otros detalles de la operación, etc.

Resulta interesante conocer a los competidores directos de nuestra marca y así conocer información relevante sobre las estrategias comerciales que ofrecen, sus argumentos de venta, condiciones… y así adaptarnos para dar el mejor servicio posible. 

Conocer cómo se ofrece al cliente las soluciones de financiación y seguro, cómo es el formato de entrega y si se explica detalladamente es muy importante para ofrecer un servicio óptimo.

La disposición de los modelos es importante para que la muestra estática sea correcta, cada moto debe estar bien colocada y con sus espacios correspondientes para que se puedan ver adecuadamente entre ellas.

Es importante tener a un equipo de ventas profesional y bien formado, por eso es relevante conocer el nivel de conocimientos y amabilidad que tienen los asesores de venta a la hora de vender una moto al cliente.

No todas las motos son iguales, ni se deben vender con los mismos argumentos. Cada una es única y tiene unos beneficios propios que se deben destacar sobre otras características más genéricas. Por eso, es primordial que los asesores de venta se adapten a cada modelo para llevar a cabo el éxito en el proceso de venta.

La capacidad de respuesta ante una solicitud de un cliente que llega a la marca o a la concesión directamente resulta fundamental, tanto el tiempo en el que es respondida como en la forma en la cual es tratada.

Evaluamos el trato de los leads que llegan a su empresa tanto por teléfono como por mail o desde diferentes plataformas web.

El Mystery Shopping le informa entre otras cosas de cómo se gestiona la prueba de la moto en su concesión. Muchas veces simplemente no se realiza la prueba porque el vendedor no se lo ofrece al cliente o porque no cierra una cita en firme. 

Cada marca es única y especial, se debe respetar su imagen con especial cuidado. Con un programa de Mystery Shopping podemos conocer cómo es tratada la marca en todos sus puntos de contacto con el cliente.

Averiguar si se cumple el protocolo de venta establecido tanto por la marca como por la concesión para que el proceso sea satisfactorio. El asesor de ventas, ¿se interesa por conocer las necesidades propias del cliente?, ¿averigua los gustos del cliente?, ¿intenta adaptarse a la versión de moto más apropiada según lo que le comenta?, etc.