Cookies Policy

ANT SERVICALIDAD, S.L. and its subsidiaries (hereinafter, “our company”, “our”, “we”) respects the right of privacy of its on-line USERS (“you”, “your”) and acknowledges the importance of protecting all personal information collected from them. ANT SERVICALIDAD, S.L. has adopted a wide ranging corporate privacy policy establishing how we collect, store and use the information provided to us by USERS.

USERS under 18 years of age must inform their parents or tutors regarding ANT SERVICALIDAD, S.L.’s Privacy policy and its Terms and Conditions, who shall be required to approve these prior to their registration at and/or placing any orders with ANT SERVICALIDAD, S.L.

Please read the following information provided by ANT SERVICALIDAD, S.L. in order to keep you informed regarding our Privacy policy. By visiting USERS hereby expressly accept and consent to the practices described under this Privacy policy and our Terms and Conditions. USERS who do not agree with this Privacy policy and/ or these Terms and Conditions should avoid accessing or using this Website.

This Privacy policy does not apply to any websites that are managed by other related companies or organisations.ANT SERVICALIDAD, S.L. shall not be held responsible for any personal information sent to any third parties via our website. Please ensure that you have read the corresponding Privacy policy for these companies or organisations prior to sending your details.



ANT SERVICALIDAD, S.L. collects personal information in several ways, such as when USERS place an order, take part in a competition, promotion and/ or other activities where we request you to provide your details. When placing orders with ANT SERVICALIDAD, S.L. we need to store your personal details such as name, address, email address, telephone number, delivery address and billing address for your credit card in order to process and fulfil your order. In addition to this, we may also obtain information as a result of our identity authentication checks. We will always request your prior authorisation before including you in our mailing list.

Likewise, when visiting our website, we shall also collect a type of data known as “click streams” (server address, domain name, etc.). This information, together with any further details that you may have provided, will allow us to adapt to your needs in future visits.

We shall only retain your personal information for the period of time that is reasonably required to comply with the purposes that it was initially collected for.



ANT SERVICALIDAD, S.L. may use your personal details in order to process your orders and payments. We shall also use your details in order to fulfil and deliver your orders, as well as to manage your account. Any personal details provided may be shared with credit reference or fraud prevention agencies, who may keep records containing this information.

All personal details provided in order to process and deliver your order shall be used in conformity with the provisions included in our Terms and Conditions.

We may use your data to organise events, prepare statistics or other website functions, as well as to provide the services available from our website. In the event of any legal obligation, we may disclose your information to any competent regulatory authorities. We may also disclose your information in response to legitimate and compulsory demand from a competent authority, or in response to a court order or, otherwise, in compliance with the current legislation, regulations, legal process or any other enforceable government requirement that may be applicable, or any other requirement pursuant to law; in compliance with the Terms and Conditions, including the investigation of potential breaches thereof; in order to detect, prevent or otherwise deal with fraud, security or technical issues; or to protect ANT SERVICALIDAD, S.L.’s rights and property against imminent danger.

We may also use your personal details in order to send you information and material by email and/ or text message, including product details and special offers, as well as any newsletters that we may consider of interest to you. These may be related to our own products or those of our commercial partners and/ or licensors. This information shall only be sent following your prior authorisation.

In addition to this, we may use your personal details to analyse the visits to our website in order to determine our visitors’ individual and collective interests. This shall provide us with valuable information that will allow us to improve our products, services, functions and promotions that may be of your interest, as well as to improve our website design to better meet the needs of our users.

In the same manner, we also collect your personal details through the different forms in our website, where you can process any refunds, returns and/ or changes to the products purchased from ANT SERVICALIDAD, S.L. and in order to reply to your queries, send our newsletter, manage your complains and, if previously requested and authorised, to include you in our recruitment processes when selecting staff to work at our offices and shops.



Upon registration, you will be provided with a link to our privacy policy and a tick box to consent to the collection of your personal details.

In addition to this, you will have the option to subscribe to:

our newsletter, that will be sent by email including information regarding new products, features, improvements, special offers, competitions and events of public interest. These notifications may include marketing information regarding ANT SERVICALIDAD, S.L., our subsidiaries, or selected partners and/ or our exclusive marketing promotions.

USERS shall be entitled to cancel or update their subscription to any services that they may have opted in for at any time. Any email or newsletter sent by us shall contain an automatic link to facilitate your access to our opt out page.



We shall use our best endeavours to guarantee the security, integrity and privacy of the information provided by you. In order to ensure that your data is safe, we have established a series of security measures and guarantees. Your personal details are stored in secure networks available only to a limited number of individuals who have been granted with special access rights and who are committed to maintaining confidentiality. In addition to this, we shall take all reasonable measures to ensure that those partners that we share your details with provide sufficient protection to said data.

In spite of all these measures, there is always a risk that any personal details provided via the Internet may be intercepted and used by third parties outside our control. Although ANT SERVICALIDAD, S.L. shall strive to protect your personal details and privacy, we are unable to guarantee full security in regards to the information provided by you via the Internet, which remains under your own responsibility.



Your details may be shared with our partners, who host our websites, as well as other third parties who may assist us in the design and management of our website, or those who provide services or analyse the data collected. These third parties shall only use your details for the purposes of carrying out the above mentioned tasks, and they undertake to respect and maintain all personal details as required by law. Furthermore, your details may also be shared with other companies that are part of our Group (please click here for further information regarding our Group companies) and for the above purposes mentioned herein. If you do not with to receive information from our Group companies, please send us an email to  Except for the above cases, we do not sell, market or transfer your personal details to any further third parties by any other means without previously notifying USERS and always in accordance with current data protection legislation in force.



This website may include hyper links to other websites or resources that are managed by third parties other than ANT SERVICALIDAD, S.L., including the advertisers. ANT SERVICALIDAD, S.L. is not in a position to check every web page that links to this website and, for that reason, we shall not be liable for the contents or accuracy of any external websites or resources and their availability. Likewise, we do not approve or accept any direct or indirect liability concerning the privacy practices or contents of these websites, including, but not limited to, any advertising, product or other materials or services available in or from such websites, or the resources included therein, or in the event of any damages, losses or breaches caused or allegedly caused by their use, in relation to their use or based on such contents, goods or services available from such websites or external resources.


During your visit to our website, ANT SERVICALIDAD, S.L. may collect information by using cookies. Cookies are small text files that may be stored by servers in the hard drives of User’s computers. These contain information regarding their visits to our website. Cookies may be used to collect specific information during a user’s visit to our website. This information may assist ANT SERVICALIDAD, S.L. in ensuring that the website and its services are adapted as much as possible to the needs and preferences of our Users. In these regards, we hereby inform you that the following Cookies may be found on our website:




Type Name    Technical name Domain Description
Identification User session identification

User session identification. In this manner, we can identify the different requests that USERS may carry out during their current session.


Browsing country’s identification

Country identification using IP address


Identification of language to be maintained during that session


Browsing cookies

It shows related information for USERS who are subscribed to our newsletters. Otherwise, it shall not display any information related to our newsletters.



Determines the user’s preference to browse the desktop version from a mobile device


Controls the user’s viewing of the Cookies policy and installation acceptance message

Directs users’ browsing flow from the affiliate network

Website location

Identifies the user’s location within a website during browsing and the purchase process. In this manner, we can provide support for Google Analytics.

Drupal JS elements


This cookie informs the system whether or not javascript is enabled in the user’s browser






Technical name




Allows for surveys to be conducted with USERS on other sites.  Survey services supplied by UserZoom INC.








Browsing analysis

These allow for the monitoring of users’ access to the website using the Google Analytics tool (service offered by Google Inc.). For more information, please check:

Allows us to tailor the advertising offered to USERS in other websites. These are removed at the end of each month. Service supplied by ENOM, INC


Allows us to tailor the advertising offered to USERS in other websites. These are removed after two years.

Google uses these Cookies in order to customise the advertising displayed by Google services such as Google search, particularly when the User is not logged in to their Google account. It is also used to show advertising outside of Google. Service supplied by Google Inc.

It allows for the registration of browsing preferences for advertising purposes. These are removed after three months. Service supplied by Affilinet GmbH


Controls the time that elapses after clicking on the website with the mouse. It is also used to identify the publisher of the link selected. These are removed after thirty days. Service supplied by Affilinet GmbH



It controls the time that elapses following viewing of website contents. It is also used to identify the publisher of the link selected. These are removed after thirty days. Service supplied by Affilinet GmbH

Maintains the session logged in with the Affilinet server. It is deleted after logout.  Service supplied by Affilinet GmbH


This cookie displays Paypal’s corporate logo. Service supplied by Paypal Inc.





For more information, check Owned by Facebook, Inc.


You can set up the Internet browser to notify you every time that a new cookie is stored in your computer; this will enable you to decide whether to accept it or reject it.  Please go to your Internet browser’s help section for specific instructions.

Please do not forget that some parts of the website may not work correctly if you reject the cookies.

You can do modify your browser optional settings in order to allow, check, block or remove all cookies installed in your computer.

For example, here you may find further information explaining how to do this if you use one of the following browsers:








Pursuant to current legislation on data protection, USERS are entitled to access, rectify, cancel and oppose the storage of their personal details, including the right to data transparency, erasure, processing restrictions and/or data portability. They are also entitled to withdraw their consent at any time to receive information regarding promotions and other issues of their interest in relation to ANT SERVICALIDAD, S.L. For this purpose, please send a request to ANT SERVICALIDAD, S.L., FAO.: Web & SAC, social department based at Torres Quevedo, 105, 03204, Elche (Alicante). You may also contact us by email to the following email address at:

Privacy Policy changes

We reserve the right to rectify, modify and/ or replace this website or the information and materials contained herein, in full or in part, as well as our privacy policy. Please check our Privacy policy regularly in case of possible changes or modifications.


In the event that ANT SERVICALIDAD, S.L. failed to apply any of the above mentioned provisions, this shall not be construed under any circumstances as a waiver of that provision.


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